Germany’s driven by design company Zieher helps you differentiate your wine and champagne service. 

Using their new NEO winecooler, made from robust resin and anthracite-colored, in their STABLO stand makes for an incredibly more memorable presentation in both fine dining and more casual restaurant settings.

Talk about adding value to the beverage experience!

And, if that’s not enough for you….. 
…with an additional integration of their optionally available rechargeable LED-lights, Zieher creates an even more breathtaking visual effect and puts your wine or champagne in the limelight!

The brand Zieher stands for innovative design, both in the tabletop and in the buffet section. With this in mind, the main target audience for Zieher products are five star hotels, top class restaurants, and innovative gastronomy locations where dedicated professional chefs set the standard for new trends.

In North America, Zieher is available from Mircenza

For more information on Zieher, their NEO resin winecooler, or their STABLO stand…. go here:
Zieher: NEO Winecooler Adds Drama to the Guest The Wine Experience

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