This Memorial Day Weekend in the US is traditionally seen as the first weekend of the summer and is filled with beach trips and outdoor cookouts. As a child, I have vivid memories of my family eating outside, whether for holidays like this or just because. I remember my mother with a glass of wine, my father with an after dinner cigar and my brother and I sitting with our legs swinging because we couldn’t touch the ground. Simple dinners like this hold a special place in my heart and are just as important as the fancy, more formal ones.
Throughout all of these meals on our patio, we would also be listening to music. James Taylor, Kenny Loggins and Sir Elton John were staples and always bring me back to those times. In honor of that, today we are listening to one of my favorites by Sir Elton John- “Levon”. Make it a holiday weekend wherever in the world you are and celebrate over a meal with family and friends. Enjoy!

 – K. Leigh.


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