Spent some time this weekend reading through newest edition of Wallpaper (how DO they manage to have so many different cover pages???). Interesting reading on a variety of fronts. Good for broadening the perspective.
PUBLIC, conceived by Ian Schrager, is an entirely new class of hotel. Its fundamental attributes are innovative, sophisticated, authentic style; spot-on, personalized, empathic
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PUBLIC Chicago is a complete transformation of the Gold Coast’s famed Ambassador East Hotel and its historic Pump Room restaurant. Rich with a cultural heritage that spans decades, the hotel and the Pump Room was a place to see and be seen and played host to a multitude of celebrities and people from all over the world and all walks of life. Interesting article on Ian Schrager’s (Morgans, Royalton, etc. etc. …… oh, yea – a little something called Studio 54) newest venture and his philosphy behind it. His new hotel is a remodel of Chicago’s Pump Room/Ambassador East which he is about to open as Public – a new hotel embracing what Schrager tells Wallpaper is “an entirely new class of hotel” that “will be as big a wake up call to the industry as the boutique hotel was all those years ago.”

According to the article, Schrager says “The cultural trade winds are changing. You can see it everywhere. People are more interested in vlaue for money. There’s a new simplicity. And it;s not just because of the economy. It’s structural. It won’t change when the economy gets better.” 

 Oh yea…. also, some guy named Vongerichten is re-doing the menu for The Pump Room. Interesting.

Fascinating stuff – especially when you consider what the implications might be for tabletops around the world.

An added bonus in this issue of Wallpaper is their list of best business hotels. Hotel Americano, anyone?

Check out Wallpaper at a newstand near you.

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