Those of us here at TabletopJournal are not tea experts…..but, we DO know there’s lots of reasons why more of your customers are ordering and drinking tea. Yes, we have heard about the good things associate with tea like increasing levels of flavonoids, reductions in stress, increased quality of blood platelets, and more. But, what we do know is that more and more of YOUR customers are ordering tea. Yes, we know there’s lots of focus on coffee and its growth, but tea sales continue to climb, as well.

A recent article at,  some 173.5 million consumers drink tea and 183 million consumers drink coffee, according to David Sprinkle, publisher of Packaged Facts, eye-popping numbers that also imply limited usage growth potential. “The challenge for foodservice operators, therefore, involves expanding varieties and occasions for use while converting home and office coffee and tea users into foodservice users.”

So, Mr. Restaurateur…..what are you actively doing to increase the guest experience of your TEA customers? (along with increasing sales and profits?)

Service Ideas has a wide variety of servers for tea from cast-iron type teapots to traditional plastic thermal servers. We like these colorful teaballs that help to make tea drinking more guest friendly and add big-time to the entertainment factor. TabletopJournal would suggest that a good start might be to make tea more fun and guest-friendly, while increasing  the theater surrounding tea service. There are a variety of ways to do that….but simply adding color and entertainment to the process would be a good start. Service Ideas – people who really understand know tea (and, coffee, by the way) – have a large selection of items to help raise the tea customer’s guest experience. I’ll even bet they have some good, practical ways to educate your staff on tea without breaking the bank, as well.

You may want to check them out as a way to increase both your sales and profits.

Nice people. Check ’em out.

You can see the entire collection of product from Service Ideas by going here:

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