With the explosive growth in high-end whiskey, can tequila be far behind?

Here’s a great tequila flight serving tray from a great New York – area company RCP Design. Their standard tray is 8″ but RCP Design is a master a creating custom serving pieces….so, we have no doubt they can make your tray in any size…or shape…you want.

RCP Design has been creating great custom designs in silver, stainless steel, wood, and more for clients like The Culinary Institute of America, Mandarin Oriental Hotels, Jean-Georges Restaurant, and even The White House! So, whether you’re looking for a serving cart, a special chafing dish…….or a serving tray for your flights of tequila……RCP Design can make it happen.

To find out more about the standard products, along with the design and fabrication capapbilities of RCP Design, go here:  

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