Another great find from the fine folks at Wallpaper….

Working out of an old hayloft in Tuscany’s picturesque Pisan hills, ceramicist Paola Mariani and sculptor Vittorio Cavallini are the founders of new design studio Vano Alto

Looking for a new source of inspiration? Try Wallpaper… After realizing their combined creative potential while working on a house renovation together, the duo began working with craftspeople from Pisa to Florence to build a collection of furniture, lighting and ceramics. Combining materials such as wood, Plexiglas, steel and leather, their debut collection has a sculptural quality that showcases the pair’s artistic talents.


Vano Alto’s studio is located in the heart of Tuscany. Paola Mariani was born near Florence in 1975 and graduated from the Florence’s Art Istitute. An Expert in ceramic forming techniques, she has also been working as an interior designer for residential and retail projects for both private and public clients. Vittorio Cavallini was born in Lucca in 1973 and graduated from the Art School of Florence. His sculptures have been published in magazines such as Flash Art, Art tribune, Elle Dècor and Abitare. 

to learn more on Vano Alto, go here:

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