Chemistry collection

Glassware leader Libbey keeps bringing new products to the hospitality industry, with one of their latest innovations being their new CHEMISTRY BAR collection.

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Mixologists can spend days and weeks, if not more, formulating recipes for new signature cocktails, experimenting to find the right blend of herbs, spices and flavors. Incorporating unexpected glassware and bold preparation techniques, such as using smoke and fire, brings an element of science to the art of crafting new cocktail presentations. Turn your bar into a mixologist’s laboratory with the CHEMISTRY BAR collection from Libbey® Foodservice.


“Chemistry Bar inspires creativity for inventing new, memorable ways to prepare signature cocktails that command attention,” said Susan J. Dountas, director of foodservice marketing for Libbey Inc. “A great glass, particularly styles not typically found in a bar like beakers and cylinders, can elevate the beverage experience and drive repeat business.”

According to the Cocktail Builders’ Blog, “Bartenders will continue to increase their focus on presentation, putting emphasis on interesting glassware.”

The CHEMISTRY BAR collection includes five styles of uncommon shapes of glassware that are versatile to use preparing drinks or creating the boldest presentations. Glass Beakers, Erlenmeyer Flasks and Round Flasks bring an unusual but attention-grabbing way to mix and serve cocktails. From serving shooters to measuring the perfect cocktail, the Cylinders can take beverage presentation to new heights. The lines on each glass aid bartenders in accurately measuring ingredients for pour control.

“The right glass not only intensifies flavors and aromas but also makes a statement about the kind of experience you seek to create for your customers,” Dountas added

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