Libbey’s new Aromé …. the perfect glass to take advantage of the fast-growing premium borown spirits category. Doing what it did to the craft beer category, Libbey has expanded its glassware with a new premium barware collection targeting the also fast-growing premium spirits segment to help operators maximize profits and ehance the overall guest experience.

Signature drinks are always better in signature glassware. Using the right glass creates the most memorable experience possible in taste, appearance, and perceived value. 

Glassware Product Manager Jerry Moore talks about Libbey’s expanding range in this video at right.
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•             Aromé – its large 9 ¾ oz. size helps to evaporate a neat spirit, enhancing its complex aromas and funneling them to the nose. 

•             Carats – designed with a retro-inspired look and a heavier weight, making it perfect for scotch or other spirits on the rocks. Carats is available in a 12 oz. size, allowing ample room for ice.

•             Samba – its hourglass design helps to evaporate a spirit. Samba is available in two sizes (8 ½ and 11 ¾ oz.) for either neat or on-the-rocks service.
America’s glassmaker since 1818, Libbey knows the vital role that glassware plays in an operator’s business. The right glassware enhances presentation, elevates value, and helps you, the operator, maximize profits.

To learn more about Libbey’s spirits glassware go here:

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