At TabletopJournal, we don’t do many obituaries……….in fact, we have never done one. However, the passing of hospitality tabletop legend Ron Graham is not just a story of an industry individual that we have lost. 

Having had the privilege to work with Ron and a handful of other greats back in our formative years, we can honestly say that there were not many like Ron Graham. His creative tabletop abilities, positive outlook, and entrepreneurial  spirit were truly special. Simply put….it’s not often that someone of Ron Graham’s special set of talents comes around. For those readers that might not have known Ron Graham, all we can say is that Ron was the creative leader in our industry of hospitality tabletop here in the U.S. from the 1960’s on and even into this century. Much of what Ron did, along with his philosophies on business, set the tone for our industry that continue today. While we often focus on the young talent in our industry, it is gentlemen like Ron Graham that paved the roads that many of us continue to drive.

For those that are interested in learning more, here is a link to a website that contains information on Ron and a memorial service his family has planned on March 21st:

I especially want to thank another tabletop legend, Bob Owen, for providing me with this information and suggesting that we share here on these pages. 

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