Can we see the future? No….but there seem to be some positive signs that the hospitality/foodservice industry may be improving and that should bode well for tabletop companies that have been preparing well.

Another recent sign by “Holiday Inn has received a lot of attention over the past several years thanks to its ambitious relaunch, but brand leaders at the IHG Americas Investors & Leadership Conference this week in Las Vegas said the journey is not over for Holiday Inn, and a particular point of emphasis will be food and beverage.” That, along with results posted by Libbey (below) are just a couple (there are others) of the small signs we may be headed for a bit of a recovery in tabletop (I mean, just how far down could things go?)

But, to be honest, it seems as though from our vantage point there are still too many companies selling similar products with no discernable points of difference. For the tabletop category, that probably needs to change.

For dealers and distributors, they still need to find ways to add value. And doing that is tougher than ever with both the development of the internet and operators willingness to utilize internet sources with greater confidence. We’ve chronicled the development of Amazon, IKEA and other previously alternative sources for foodservice products….particularly tabletop items. If you are a dealer salesperson – exactly how ARE you different than the other guy?

And, for restaurateurs….there still needs to be greater differences in the guest experiences. You can only retain or cut costs so long. Eventually, you have to position your dining experience (brand?) as somehow different and unique. Tabletop, as something that stays in front of the guest during the entire experience can really help with that differentiation. And, after all, it is STILL the entertainment business.

Strong finish to ’11 for everyone and let’s get ready to rock in 2012!

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