UK designer Billy Lloyd taking time to review a major hotelware company’s products at the AMBIENTE show in Frankfurt. Exhibiting and attending trade shows offers all sorts of unique opportunities. On our first day of attending this year’s AMBIENTE show in Frankfurt, TabletopJournal had the unique opportunity to meet Billy Lloyd, a talented young dinnerware designer from the UK.

While Billy Lloyd is young in age, he is credentialed far more than most of the designers we’ve met in hospitality tabletop. In addition, this designer has worked with the design from beginning to end….from drawing the designs, to forming the molds, and on to crafting the final products. From our thinking, Billy Lloyd is much more than simply a designer….he is also a craftsman who understands the practicalities of dinnerware production as well as the overall asethetic. And, he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty to show you.

And while the consumer dinnerware markets has more than ample supply of designers, in our opinion, the hospitality dinnerware segment could use a few more….particularly those with fresh, young, new ideas and great creativity. We think Billy Lloyd is such a fresh, new designer.  And, one who could very well be what many producers in the hospitality dinnerware segment sorely need.

To learn more about Billy Lloyd, go here:

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