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In 2019, Los Angeles-based non-profit Habits of Waste (HoW) created a solution to the plastic cutlery crisis in our country. The company’s campaign #CutOutCutlery was successful in securing a default setting on both Uber Eats and Postmates apps that required customers to request cutlery as opposed to automatically receiving it. One year later, food delivery giants GrubHub and DoorDash still have not made the simple change to their default settings that would save millions of plastics from entering the environment every month.

Every year, over 40 billion pieces of single-use plastic cutlery are produced and discarded as waste. Not only is single-use plastic cutlery not recyclable, it’s ending up in our oceans and killing sea life. Further, it’s harming the environment by disrupting the productivity of natural systems and as these plastics break down throughout the years into micro plastics, they end up in our food and drinking water. And If these current trends of plastic waste continue, one study estimates that by 2050 the plastic waste in the ocean will outweigh the fish.

#CutOutCutlery is a win-win. Less plastic is produced, restaurants save money and consumers have a choice. Research shows that most people prefer to eat with heavier, metal utensils compared to single-use plastic. This “new normal” would save money and protect the planet without a heavy lift. 

“GrubHub and DoorDash must #CutOutCutlery and help save millions of pieces of waste from entering our already taxed environment,” says Habits of Waste Founder Sheila Morovati. “With Uber Eats recently completing its billionth delivery, there’s no denying the impact this campaign can have. And the time to address plastic cutlery is now – just like we did with plastic straws which the entire world responded to creating a massive ripple effect. Creating a non-negotiable plea with legislation is the goal.”

Customers can help convince Grubhub and DoorDash to join the crusade by emailing them here and requesting they install an option for plastic cutlery feature on their apps to eliminate unnecessary waste. Currently, these apps automatically provide plastic cutlery for customers ordering food delivery despite user’s unsuccessful attempts to opt-out.

Through the campaign and Morovati’s continued efforts, The University of Southern California school system eliminated all single-use plastic items in dining halls, including cutlery, plastic bags and bottles. Habits of Waste plans to extend the sustainability crusade by bringing #CutOutCutlery to universities nationwide. Additionally, Morovati is taking the campaign to the California legislature requiring all restaurants to provide single-use cutlery only by request.

Habits of Waste (HoW) is a non-profit, socially conscious environmental organization committed to making simple changes that lead to profound positive impact on the environment. Founded in 2019 by Sheila Morovati, following her non-profit Crayon Collection in 2014 which spearheaded a crusade against single-use crayons at restaurants nationwide, HoW’s efforts have led the company to team up with the Surfrider Foundation, which unites hundreds of organizations in a grassroots movement dedicated to saving the Earth’s oceans. 

To learn more, please visit: https://habitsofwaste.org/




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