A company that has been and continues to be..on the move is Corby Hall. This long time supplier of quality flatware and metal holloware has added some great porcelain dinnerware, a number of new metal designs, and a brand new website to show it all off…..www.CorbyHall.com

The diversity of their hospitality tabletop product range provides Corby Hall customers with optimum choices among the finest in flatware, holloware, dinnerware and servingware; all designed to support the vast needs of the food service/hospitality industries. 

Corby Hall understands the critical nature of providing products that cater to the many forms and types of food presentation, which enable their customers to present their own distinctive style and elegance.

Master craftsmen at Corby Hall’s family owned and operated facilities worldwide work skillfully creating products that facilitate ease of preparation and enhanced presentation. With offerings that are both contemporary and traditional, Corby Hall has an infinite variety of products for today’s most stylish tabletop décor. Hospitality customers know they can choose Corby Hall with confidence and enjoy the privilege of good taste.

To learn more about Corby Hall and see their new website, go here:

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