Chilewich, founded by New York designer Sandy Chilewich (right), has become an industry leader for stylish accessories in the past 12 years. From placemats, to floormats, to even iPhone cases, you can find Chilewich products below your feet or in your fingertips. Chilewich products are great to reduce both energy and laundry costs. 

You can find Chilewich on tabletops worldwide, including Auden Bistro & Bar of The Ritz-Carlton in New York, Trace restaurant in Seattle, Washington, The Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel and Towers in Bangkok, Thailand, and many more locations. 

With so many different styles and colors, there is guaranteed to be a set a placemats that will collaborate with any tabletop environment. Placemats can be such a simple, effective tool to use that “elevates the guest experience”.

To learn more about Chilewich, go here:

“I am continually exploring for new materials that combine beauty and functionality,” -Sandy Chilewich
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