The latest Maker’s Mark Ambassador perk….a bottle sweater for your bourbon. At TabletopJournal, we talk a lot about branding and what it means to be a “brand”. One of the companies that continually does branding “right” in our opinion is Maker’s Mark. This premium bourbon brand has postioned itself as a purveyor of a high quality adult beverage that is approachable, fun, and responsible. Continual reinforcement of the brand is part of the Maker’s Mark experience that the company does through it’s Ambassador program. The bottle sweater is just the latest perk of being a Maker’s Mark Ambassador.
Maker’s Mark recently retired President Bill Samuel Jr.’s quote of a few years ago “You cannot bore people into buying your product.” is a mantra that more brands should follow. Whether you are a restaurant or a tabletop supplier selling to restaurants….there needs to be a passion or an excitement about your restaurant or product that makes people interested in what you have to offer. For instance…if you sell burgers and fries, have a passion for burgers and fries. (ever been to a Five Guys?) If you sell glassware, have a passion for glassware (check out Riedel’s passion for the perfect glass for each wine).

Once you have the passion, then you must communicate it. Not just with advertising, but with everything you do. Every time you answer the phone, every time you Tweet or post on your blog, every time a guest walks into your restaurant, every time someone reads your menu or literature….every time you “touch” your customer, you are communicating. Make sure that communication reinforces the brand message you are striving for.


And, remember……your brand is not what YOU think it is. Your brand is what YOUR CUSTOMER and POTENTIAL CUSTOMER think it is. This is true whether talking about your restaurant brand….your supplier brand…..your distributor brand…..even your personal brand.

Well Done, Maker’s Mark. Very Well Done. Again.

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