TabletopJournal continues to make the point of how important branding is whether you are a restaurateur, a manufacturer…..or, a dealer. Well, one dealer who truly understands that concept is Bargreen Ellingson, located in America’s great NW region. Here’s a short video on the adding of the Bargreen Ellingson graphics to one of their new delivery trucks.

And, remember….branding isn’t just the fancy graphics you might have on your vehicles or business cards. The essence of a brand is what your customers – and potential customers – believe you to be. Your brand is not what YOU think it is….it is what THEY think it is. All the rest – the graphics, the service, the product quality, the people, and so on – simply reinforce your brand, positively or negatively.

And, yes….before you ask…..we LOVE the fact that tabletop play such an intregal part of the Bargreen Ellingson truck graphics.

Bargreen EllingsonTHE source for tabletop in America’s Northwest!

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