There’s lots of discussion these days about how to be more “green” and with single use products, the use of bamboo always comes up. Why, because bamboo is so easily renewable and readily available. It is one of the earth’s fastest growing plants. Bamboo needs no replanting, grows without fertilizers or pesticides and is harvested from controlled stands with an astounding growth cycle of three to five years. Good stuff, huh?

Well, nobody does bamboo better than the folks at bambu company. (they also do cork and coconut)

bambu products are created with imagination and integrity and are intended to be used and enjoyed everyday. Their designs celebrate form, color and texture using low impact materials and processes…..and, they’re designed with the planet in mind.
bambu’s dinnerware comes in both square and round plates, complete with forks, knives, and spoons. But, don’t forget their “worldfamous” bamboo spork If you are looking to differentiate your carry out, your outside banqueting, or any other area where breakage is a concern, then bambu’s dinnerware makes great sense. And…if your guests are looking or you to be more “green” and you’re an operator trying to also be practical, then the folks at bambu can really help.

You can see the entire lineup of bambu products by going here:

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